Bulk SMS Service for Promotional and Transactional SMS

Start Now for Free!

India's #1 Business SMS Platform

Increase sales and customer satisfaction with smarter SMS campaigns, notifications, surveys & more

Unlimited Features, Unlimited Fun

Check out what you can do with this panel!

Unmatched Delivery Rates & Speed

Our direct partnership with multiple operators ensure best-in-class delivery rates, ultra-low latencies.

Location Targeting

Select location based auedience i.e. State, City, Pincode!

Fanatic Customer Support

Always at hand to help startups and SMEs run the best SMS campaigns!

Close Trageting

Apply retargeting based on Results! Improve ROI

Stop waiting.
Start sending.

Let's Get Started!

Getting Started with SMS Panel Is Simple

You can get started in Four easy steps. Create an account, buy SMS credit, select auediance/location based reach and start sending texts.

1. Create a Free Account > 2. Load Prepaid Credit > 3. Select Auedience > 4. Send SMS

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